Azamra is a name of chapter 282 (רפ"ב) in Likutey Moharan and the 'Azamra Technique' that is reveled in that discourse.
Azamra Technique 1 - First one must mediate upon the Mitzvot and good deeds he must have done in his life. 2 - Often the person is then counterattacked with thought of how even his good deeds were filled with personal interests and negativity. He must then focus harder and meditate that despite all this bad, there definitely were also good points included. 3 - He must then continue and gather these good points in himself. He will then reach a point where he can rejuvenates himself and becomes happy. Then he can pray and thank Hashem. Additionally this method actually raises the person from his current level, where he was in a state of indictment and brings him to a state of merit.[1] Often the results are temporary and a person has to use Azamra persistently each time he is attacked. This might require daily practice, or even more frequent.[1] If a person is consistent in this practice, he will receive great assistance from Hashem.[1] Usage - To escape sadness and depression - To raise oneself to a point that they can pray and do Hisbodedute.[1] Example List - For sure did some Mitzvah during life - For sure did some good deeds during life - Fast on Yom Kipor and Tisha Bav and the other 4 fasts - Go at least occasionally to the Mikva - Despite all blemishes I still try hard and want to save myself - For sure did the will of Hashem a few times[1] - I was born Jewish - I got a Bris Milah - I studied Alef Beis, Sidur, Chumash, Gemara in Cheder - I suffered a lot from my teachers - I suffered other times for the sake of Judaism Similarities The 'Azamra Technique' is very similar to the 'Rechavya Technique' but focuses on spiritual positive aspects rather then physical ones.
[1] Hishtapchus HaNefesh#69