Foreign Thoughts Due to the Pegam Habris that a person did, he is
attacked by a storm of foreign thoughts that come to confuse his
prayers.[2] All the confusions, uncertainties and stupidities that
a person has throughout the day all come into a persons mind
specifically during prayer times, to confound him.[2] One needs
great determination to overcome all these foreign thoughts that
come to him specifically during prayers.[2] Each thought is a Kipah
and has a complete structure. When a person prays without paying
attention to intrusive thoughts, as he proceeds he kills them and
severs their limbs, a hand here, a leg there. Just as a powerful
warrior would move through enemy lines, as he proceeds, he kills
them, some he amputates their hand and others their leg.[2] Mind
Obstacles Often a person finds it hard to pray since he realizes
that he is filled with sin and far from being a good person. A
solution for this is to search for the good points in himself using
the Azamra Technique. First he must mediate upon the Mitzvot and
good deeds he must have done in his life. Often the person is then
counterattacked with thought of how even his good deeds were filled
with personal interests and negativity. He must then focus harder
and meditate that despite all this bad, there definitely were also
good points included. He must then continue and gather these good
points in himself. He will then reach a point where he can
rejuvenates himself and becomes happy. Then he can pray and thank
Hashem. Additionally this method actually raises the person from
his current level, where he was in a state of indictment and brings
him to a state of merit.[1] Human Obstacles When a person is flawed
from Pegam Habris, he might also be harassed by brazen people
regarding his prayers.[2] Experiencing Sweetness Sweetness in
prayer is experienced according to a person's level of Tikkun
Habris and his level of Hiskashrus to Tzadikim that are Shomer
Habris.[2] Pegam Habris is like bitter waters and cause a person to
not feel any sweetness in his words of prayer.[2] Despite this a
person has to try to pray with all his energy, even if he does not
feel any sweetness in his prayers and even his actual effort is
very valuable.[2] Prayers of Even the Lowest Hashem seeks and
desires the prayers of even the lowest of the low Jews and He wants
them to pray a lot and yell to Him.[1]