His Torah The Torah teachings revealed by Rebbe Nachman were tens
of thousands of times lower compared to the level that he initial
perceived them in their above origins. The fact that he was able to
lower, encapsulate and constrain these holy, delicate, refined
spiritual Torah into teachings and advice that could be accessible
to all proves his extraordinary greatness.[1] His Greatness Rabbi
Nachman of Breslov knew the entire Torah, both Nigleh and Nistar,
Talmud, Poskim, Rishonim and Achronim and all the hidden
mysteries.[1] He had very refined traits and was humble, simple and
forgiving.[1] He served Hashem with self sacrifice day and night
and never took any breaks from his service of Hashem.[1] Fasting
Rebbe Nachman fasted thousands of times including many consecutive
fasts, numerous that lasted from Shabbos to Shabbos. He also
performed many Sigufim.[1] Hisbodedute Rebbe Nachman practiced
Hisbodedute for many years[1] Holiness Rebbe Nachman distanced
himself from all types of lusts and sanctified himself with all
types of holiness.[1] Trip to Eretz Yisroel Rebbe Nachman reached
great levels of revealed and concealed holiness through his trip to
Eretz Yisroel.[1] He traveled during a period of a harsh powerful
war, undergoing many dangerous experiences, a plague, and severe
physical, psychological and monetary obstacles.[1] His spiritual
ascent was apparent though the teachings he revealed following his
trip to Eretz Yisroel, as they were much higher then his previous